who am I that a king chose me?

Most my life, the lie of never feeling worthy enough screamed louder than this truth:

a King chose me for a purpose.

I knew that God loved me, and always felt I was uniquely created. In fact, He tells us that we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and there is absolutely “nothing that can separate us from His love.” (Romans 8:38-39) But I never quite felt worthy enough to be chosen to help God advance His Kingdom in a mighty way. I never felt good enough to be given a purpose that could change the lives of others. Afterall, who was I to be used by God in big ways when I felt so inadequate myself? I felt too broken to be destined with a purpose. I had too much of a mess from my past to ever be used in a powerful way. I always lived with these lies that I wasn’t worthy enough, let alone worthy enough to be chosen for a purpose, let alone from a King.

Therefore, who am I that a King would choose me?

Not just any King, but the Highest King. God Himself. The Maker of this Universe, the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega — He CHOSE me and has a purpose for ME…Alisha?

God’s Relentless Pursuit of Me

The fact is this: I am unworthy. And so are you. This is what makes the love story between us and God so beautiful. We are all unworthy of His grace and forgiveness as we all fall short living in a fallen world. BUT He loves us anyways. He chose us anyways. He has big plans for us anyways. His purpose prevails anyways.

The Lord had been pursuing ME my entire life and didn’t stop until I gave Him all my heart, all of me. What a love He has for us to never stop chasing us! While I had been running into the arms of lesser loves, He never gave up as He was relentless chasing after me.  I was broken, desperately craving attention and acceptance in misplaced affections. I searched the world for my purpose. I sought out empty treasures that quenched my thirst temporarily, but that left me still thirsty for more….

and then God stepped in.

The day I surrendered my life to Him is that day He began to put the broken pieces back together. Every crack filled. Every shattered piece molded more like Him. Every thirst satisfied.

Despite any mess in my life, He still calls me daughter. He still chooses me. He saw my weaknesses. He still loves me. He healed me. He gave me BEAUTY for the ASHES of my life. He turned my shame into His glory. He has turned my weakness and mess into my greatest message that I’m committed to spending the rest of my life sharing with the world. He has a plan and purpose for me, as He does you.

God’s Purpose Is To Use All That You Are

When I accepted the truth that God has a plan and purpose for my life, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the calling ahead of you is far greater than all the experiences behind you. So it doesn’t matter how broken you are, how imperfect, or what you’ve done in your past. His purpose is to use all that you are. What you see as a mistake, He sees as an opportunity. What you see as pain, He sees as a purpose. What you see as scarred, He sees as a beautiful masterpiece.

He promises to use EVERY experience for good. Romans 8:28 says “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those are called, according to His purpose”.

Hear this ladies – God is the ONLY one that can fill those broken cracks in your life. Those shattered pieces He can put back together. The ONLY one that will accept your weakness and your brokenness for you. ALL OF YOU! And He will use every ounce of your life for His purpose. It doesn’t matter how weak or broken you are or anything that you’ve done in your life. He will redeem them for His good.

Do you know the GREATEST heroes of the Bible all had major weaknesses and brokenness too? They too, felt unworthy of a purpose. Yet, God chose them anyways.

  • Abraham was old (Genesis 17:17)
  • Elijah was suicidal (1 King 19:4)
  • Joseph was abusive (Genesis 37:12-36)
  • Job went bankrupt (Job 1:13-22)
  • Moses has a speech impediment (Exodus 4:10)
  • Gideon was afraid (Judges 6:11-27)
  • Sampson was a womanizer (Judges 14-16)
  • Rahab was a prostitute (Joshua 2)
  • The Samaritan women was divorced 5 times (John 4:17-18)
  • Noah was a drunk (Genesis 9:21)
  • Jeremiah was young (Jeremiah 1:7)
  • Jacob was a cheater (Genesis 27:1-35)
  • David was an adulterer and murderer (2 Samuel 11)
  • Jonah ran from God (Jonah 1:3-17)
  • Naomi was a widow (Ruth 1-4)
  • Peter denied Christ 3 times (Luke 22:54-62)
  • Martha worried about everything (Luke 10:41)
  • Zacchaeus was money hungry (Luke 19:1-10)
  • The disciples fell asleep while praying with Jesus (Luke 14:37)
  • Paul was a Pharisee who murdered Christians before he became one (Acts 22:1-21)
  • [Insert your story here]

God will use YOUR story! Don’t let the enemy fool you into thinking anything less. Friends – the GRACE of God covers you so stop covering up your weaknesses and instead expose them as you allow God to USE them. I John 4:4 says “Greater is the ONE who lives and moves in your than the one who prowls around you [the devil], the one who seeks to destroy the perfect plan that the greater ONE has for you.”

The One who we will live with in eternity has chose to PARTNER with you, with me, Alisha, to accomplish His Heavenly purposes. He is using ME and MY MESS to help spread His MESSAGE here on this earth. He did it was Moses, David…Peter, Paul, all those mentioned above, and many more. And He wants to do it with YOU too!

Your purpose is about your UNIQUE STORY

Your unique story includes your mess of a life. Your inadequacies. All those things that make you feel unworthy of a purpose is what makes you have a unique story that ONLY YOU can tell. ONLY you have walked the path you have walked. What a unique story to share with others! Let Him into the broken cracked places of your inner most parts and sink in His love molding the brokenness of your story into HIS powerful story.

YOU, my friend, are CHOSEN by the KING Himself. Step into your royal chair girl, as a daughter of a King. And partner with the ONLY one that was meant to satisfy your every thirst, that has already handpicked you and chose you from the very beginning as He says in His word,  “I chose you before I formed you and knit you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13), I set you apart before you were born, I appointed you, I selected you…” (Jeremiah 1:5)

So who are you that a King chose you?

Nobody. Not deserving. Unworthy. But guess what? He STILL chose you, set you apart, appointed you, selected you, and formed you and only your unique story for a PURPOSE.


Alisha Headley

Join me for Part 2 next month in the “Who Am I” series. Next post –> Who am I in THIS season?

Meet the Blogger

Alisha Headley

Hiiii. I’m Alisha – A Bible teacher, writer, and speaker who traded in my fast-paced career in private equity to become a stay-at-home wifey and pursue God’s call to write.

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I love this! So much truth. God makes such beauty from our messiest ashes. ❤️

Teressa Robinson

Spot on!!! Thank you for sharing. It’s starting to take shape and make sense and I am slowly acknowledging what HE says. I even think I’m starting to trust what HE is saying about me with all my messy life. HE IS ABLE!


This is maybe the toughest season I’ve ever been through in life. Many dreams shattered. Many wounds. So many mistakes made in complete fear.. Thefuture looks hopeless.Battling so much of who I am and how God could ever use me. And in my faith I feel very weak. I know I need to fully surrender to God. At times in the past I was surrendered to Him in a deeper way. Now I stand in complete fear of everything in life. I try to surrender to Jesus and then stand in fear afterwards. I am a mess right now and have been for months. I want to believe, but believe the lies about myself more right now. Not any use for anyone or anything good. Such a confusing time and still making many mistakes. Very ashamed of myself for many things in past and present and see no hope for change in the future. I want to do it all God’s way and surrender completely to His Truth and I know I’m only one that can do it. I’m just so in fear of so many things. I pray to get back to knowing His Love for me no matter my circumstances and doing His Will that He can use my mess for His Glory.

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