Last month in Part 1 of the “Who am I” series (Who Am I That A King Chose Me?), I discussed how most my life I felt unworthy to be chosen for a calling, let alone chosen by a King. The truth is we are all unworthy, but YET, God chose us anyways to partner with Him in advancing His Kingdom here on earth. Just as He chose the unworthy heroes in the Bible whose stories involve them being used in extraordinary ways; He also chose me and you. Broken, unworthy: all of who we are.
But what if the season we are in looks NOTHING like any sort of kingdom heroic work or looks at all like we are being used by God in any substantial way?
It feels like the everyday mundane life you are living is rather…BORING, providing no value and significance right now.
What’s your calling in THIS season?
We tend to use the word “calling” and correlate it to something BIG. Many of us think we are not living in our calling YET, because we haven’t reached that high mark yet. Such as writing a book or being a well-known influencer with a large platform or picking up and moving to a foreign country to do mission field work, or leaving your successful career to work in full time ministry for your church.
But what if you are exactly where you are supposed to be in your calling right NOW, in the EXACT season you are in, for a specific reason?
- Are you in a career right now where you are bored and have no passion for?
- Are you a stay at home wife who left your successful career to tend to your husband?
- Are you in pursuit of your God-driven dreams, but nothing is taking off right now?
- Are you in a season of singleness, wai
- Are you in a season of momhood, of toddlers, or homeschooling children where you have no time to do nor think of anything else for yourself?
Embrace whatever season you’re in
Friends – hear me when I say this: you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be in the season you are in. I want to encourage you to EMBRACE the season you are in and TRUST the Author who wrote your story. God knows the beginning from the end, and every single part of your story is for a larger grand purpose. You are exactly where you need to be and this somewhat exhausting, unfulfilling, non-rewarding, insignificant feeling sometimes boring season you may be in, will be used one day for His glory. This season is all a part of the STORY – God’s story. And the role you are playing right now in this season, is a starring role. Don’t try to dismiss the season you are in NOR try to wish it away. God is working in you, preparing you for what’s in the coming season.
THIS Season is preparing you for the NEXT season
Whatever your season you’re currently in, it’s preparing you for the next one. Thankfully, we have the Bible that gives us examples of others that walked in a somewhat dry or desolate, maybe what felt like irrelevant seasons. But ultimately it was to prepare them for what was NEXT.
Let’s take a look at David, Joseph, and our beloved Savior, Jesus, in the Bible.
- We may all know David with his story as the hero who killed Goliath. Or refer to him as King David who ruled the nation as one of Israel’s greatest kings. But do you know that he never started out as a hero and king? He started out as a shepherd boy where even his very own family neglected to invite him to the party the current King was having. Before he killed a giant by the name of Goliath, he killed a bear. He didn’t try to network his way into the Kingdom to take over the throne when the current King was in town. He spent time with God in the field and sowed seeds serving as a shepherd boy that later carried on with him when he was ready to sit on the throne in the next season. (1 Samuel 16-31)
- Joseph knew that He was going to rule the nations one day. It was revealed to him in a dream. He knew his 11 brothers would one day bow down to him. But he spent 13 years elsewhere, partly as a slave to Pharaoh in Egypt. He knew his future calling, yet he was in opposition far away from his loved ones and spent a few years in prison under Pharaoh as well. But God was preparing for him for what was to come. What he was doing serving Pharaoh may have seemed insignificant and unfulfilling but it was ultimately preparing Joseph for what was NEXT. (Genesis 37-50)
- Jesus himself, spent his first 30 years which we know little about in the Bible perfecting his skill. He didn’t go into his future calling aka his ministry until he was 30 years old and then He was crucified on the cross at age 33. That means he was only walking in his what one might perceive has His calling for as short 3 years. But that’s just it, the 30 years prior, even though it may have seemed irrelevant or a waste of time, He was a student and not a teacher. Walking in the season He was supposed to be walking in. (Luke 3:23)
God wants you to be excellent in the position you’re in
God doesn’t want you to be excellent at the position you’re going to be at, He wants you to be excellent at the position you’re at right now. Just as the three examples just mentioned in the Bible, we are to be excellent at where we are NOW. Whatever season you are in, you are an answer to the problem right now. Perhaps you see no end at sight to ever pursue a passion or calling God has on your heart because you are at home taking care of your young kids. But God wants you to embrace that season as you are shepherding your kids to the knowledge of Jesus and serving them in this season. And what you are doing in THIS season, you will take with you to the NEXT season.
That small thing that you are doing now that may seem insignificant, just remember God is watching you handle what He’s given you NOW, to make sure you are ready for the thing that’s NEXT. He loves you enough to not allow you to go face a Goliath when you’re not ready to face what’s in front of you now. For Colossians 3:23 says “and whatever you do, do EVERYTHING whole heartily, as to the Lord…”
Who am I in THIS Season?
I’m a WIFEY and a WRITER.
The season before this, I was only a wifey, and it was after I left what I felt was a successful career. Being “only” a wifey, seemed insignificant at the time. My husband supported me staying at home as we both feel like it was best for our family, but yet I was always chasing for more as I felt I had to contribute more. I felt I had this BIG calling ahead of me. But what God revealed to me, was I needed to perfect my life at home and with Him in the quiet, preparing me for the next season. I was to rest in my new role as a new wifey and rest in God. Not working in a high demanding career and being able to be home and love my husband, gave me the quiet time to seek God like never before.
In this season that lasted 24 for months of being a stay at home wifey, God was pruning me from the inside out. I have journals and writings and things the Holy Spirit placed on my heart in these 24 months that ONLY God could have done in this season of quietness.
I am far from an excellent wife as I’m not sure I’ll ever perfect that role, so I believe the Lord is always perfecting me in that. But now I add WRITER into this new season as God has placed it on my heart to not only write for online publications I freelance for, but to now write my first Bible Study book. My outline is ready, and I’m starting it this fall. (hold me accountable ladies) However, if I would have never embraced the season prior of being at home and being nothing but a wifey, realizing that I was EXACTLY where I was supposed to be, I’m not sure I would be writing this Bible Study I’m about to embark on.
Serve in EVERY season
So, friends — be encouraged. Embrace exactly where you are. Because one thing is for sure: You are a co-worker in the kingdom. A present-day disciple. Whatever season we are in, we are called to serve. To make Jesus known. So, who are you in THIS season? Just a wifey? Just a mom, an aunt, a grandma, a widow? A career title that’s boring to you? A single gal living alone? A mom turn teacher homeschooling your kids for the first time?
Remember — David was just a shepherd boy, Joseph was just a slave, and Jesus wasn’t even known until the last few years of His life before He became our Savior.
Take some time to ask the Lord WHO you are in THIS season, and then be the student learning everything you can in this season. Ask the Lord what He wants to reveal to you in THIS season, and then take one step at a time walking side by side with him knowing that this irrelevant, dry, boring season is for a very specific purpose and it will be used as part of the God’s amazing story one day.
Comment below and tell me what season you are in and what God is showing you.
Alisha Headley
Join me for Part 3 next month on the “Who Am I” series.
Next post –> Who am I as a soldier for Christ?
I loved this and totally needed to read this today! Thank you 🙂
Aweee I’m so glad to hear this! Thank you for commenting 💜
I recently took on being a caretaker for my 81 year old grandmother. I’ve been feeling like I needed to do more for God but after reading this I feel like God called me for this. This was exactly what I needed to read. Thank you so much!
Thank you for being obedient and sharing your thoughts with us. I agree that whatever season we are in, not matter how small or insignificant we may think it is, it’s where we are supposed to be. God will promote us once we accept our position during our current season. God bless you and the next level you are entering into with your new Bible Study! God Speed!!
Thank you so much for this sweet comment Lucretia! ☺️ I love what you said — that we are exactly where we are supposed to be! There is so much truth in that, and I’ve learned to EMBRACE whatever season I’m in. I appreciate your encouragement with my new Bible Study, means a lot, thank you 💗
As a fellow writer, the typos were distracting. But as a fellow Christian, I applaud you on this message. I’m in the wilderness, yet your article helps me re-frame to a place of grace, gratitude and purpose. Thank you!
Hiii! As my own editor for my website, sometimes typos are missed. 🙃 I appreciate you for letting me know, as I’ll go through and revise 😊 thankfully for all my published articles, I have editors who read through + edit all my writings for me 🙌🏻 also – thank you very much for your kind words Tracy! I’m glad this article helped in the end 💜
Alisha, don’t worry about the typos…I just thank you for the content.
I too have been walking in an unpleasant wilderness where I have been questioning my faith so much, to the point where I am so scared! Every sin I have committed is coming before me…..but deep in my soul I feel that this season is burning some impurities where God can use me. In this season I feel like God has abandoned me bit I know it is a scheme of the enemy.
I just walked outside in the morning dew to ask God, “What Season Am I In?”
Thank you! Keep up the great work!
thank you so much for saying that Amanda! I appreciate your kind words as they truly uplift me 😊
My last wilderness season lasted 24 months, and it wasn’t easy. I questioned my faith, and often times had to depend on others and their faith in some fashion (other believers, pastors, podcasts, books, or blog posts like this). I encourage you to keep on praying, keep on reading, keep on seeking, keep on knocking. God HEARS you! And even if He’s silent, He’s ALWAYS working. Don’t believe for one second, He has abandoned you! Those impurities He is burning is because He wants you to live even more closely to Him and in more freedom than you’ve ever experienced before. You’ve got this sister! 💕
Thank you….did I mention I’m a pastor’s wife???? Titles are not important, I’m still human…I just know that the enemy was subtle with his schemes after this year when my husband was diagnosed with cancer and shortly thereafter my teenage daughter who has been called into the ministry and I are both COVID survivors….thanks for your inspiration, please keep us in prayer. I had not read your article about your toughest year in 2019, before I initially posted.
Thank for your open honesty!!! Amanda, additional,post
Thank you so much for your honesty Amanda. 💜 It’s amazing to see your awareness of the enemy’s schemes, and how subtle they can be. Your family has been through a lot. Keep on praying and being that prayer warrior for them. Thanks for reading and supporting 🙏🏻
I have been in a season of singleness and chronic mental and physical illness for nearly three decades but can testify with confidence that Jesus is my resilience – His Spirit has given me the strength to walk into each new day, stumble, rise and trust
How beautiful to hear that you’re leaning on His Spirit during this time. I just said a prayer for you Heather. 🙏🏻 Praying for healing, clarity and continued strength! ❤️ Xo
I am in a season of pruning, purging and receiving God’s grace, mercy and unconditional love.
Thank you for sharing Zoe! I went through a very similar season last year. It’s refining but absolutely amazing on the other side 💛
I think my whole adult life I have been looking too far ahead and not being present where I am. I so needed to hear this message today. I will soon be 70 and I am taking care of grandkids and my 91 year old mother in law. I want to rest in the Lord and trust Him for this season. I want to stop striving and enjoy and be content right where I am!
What a great perspective to have Elaine! I truly believe that if we’re still on this earth, that God is not finished with our purpose here yet! No matter what age or season we are in. Philippians 4:11-13 is one of my favorite verses about contentment! Xo
I’m in my lonely, dry season. I’m in the middle of a divorce raising my neice that has no one to love her but me. I know its purpose in this pain and I know my greater is coming. I ran across your article accidentally it it lifted me to know I have a calling and this is the season ti shake me and to shape me into what and where I need to be……thank you my sister in christ.
thank you for sharing Katrina! Remember – God is always working even if we don’t see it yet. What you’re learning now in this season could be the most important tool you’ll need for your next season. Hang in there sister! Embrace where the Lord has placed you and trust His perfect timing 💜
Alisha your post is a refreshing, a river that parched my thirst! A comfort that only God could have sent in this season of my life, It’s like he sent the raven to feed me! What freedom I felt reading your words! “Who am I that a King chose me” – The Holy Spirits presence was felt. I am so excited and over joyed for the opportunity to sow into the soil of your Bible study book…
I will certainly be sending many thanks and prayers for you and your ministry, your season, your role as a wife, mother, writer and what’s to come in your next season… as the Lord has already gone before you to bless that path. Thank you and I Thank God for you and all the woman who made comments sharing their thrusts… it feels like a very safe place!
This is a season of Discovering who I really am In Christ- Identity my bold season!
Ms. Nichole Armstrong
Nichole – your comment encouraged me so much 💗 I love how the Spirit was felt by you simply reading this post. Your response made my heart so happy! It’s God who directs my next step and path on what to write about next and my prayer is for every reader who lands on my posts to be pointed closer to Him because He is everything in this life. 🙏🏻 thank you for sharing along with others, and thank you for following. More blog posts coming verryyy soon ☺️
Personal thoughts I cannot believe anyone would be upset over typos. The message is a beautiful one. I too think my life is not enough for God. I have a good life, a simple one. I have a husband of 28 years, 2 wonderful dogs, I have a job I love, a roof over my head, and food on the table. My husband had a cousin who use to correct personal hand written letters in red and send them back to him😂
Beautiful, Thank you for your words of encouragement. i truly needed this! God bless you!
Thank you for this inspirational post! I am in a season where I am trusting God’s will for purpose for
decisions that are being made at my job! I encourage you to keep doing God in the assignment assign to you-I am also engaged in empowering women in life and ministry! God Bless you!
Hey Alisha, first I would like to say well done, good words in a time of trial. But digging deeper, what do you do with chronic pain? I have found myself in this position, and strangely I care for palliative patients. On the good side, my pain helps patients know I understand to some level the pain their going through. Thus gives me permission to share about God and my desperate need of him to get through the day. On another level I am jealous their pain will soon end where mine could go on for decades. Just wonder if you pushed to more desperate situations. Anyways, enjoyed your writing. Rob
Hi I am so thrilled to have run across your page and so needed the above article you speak about “in the season we’re in” I understand the concept that there is a reason for the season however I truly want God to show me what my idoliness/stillness/loneliness is leading? The depression has set in as I seriously have no friends no social life don’t know what my purpose is. I don’t see any change and its been for a good while now. Help me to hold on to my faith and know that God is working even when I don’t see anything in the natural. I know he wants to fulfill my life with friends, love, laughter who doesn’t need that??? Please share your thoughts with me and enlighten my faith.